
8月末に開催されるThe World Assembly for Women in Tokyoの概要が外務省HPに掲載されていた。直訳すれば「女性のための世界会議・東京」てな感じかなと思うが、日本語での名称は「女性が輝く社会に向けた国際シンポジウム」ですって。

「そういえば『女性活躍』ってどう英訳するのかな」と思って英語ページを見てみたら、「日本及び世界における女性の活躍促進のための取組について議論を行います」の部分は「we are expecting to have lively discussions on various women's issues」と訳されており、「活躍促進のための取り組み」はまるっと消えている感じである。考えてみれば「活躍する」だけでは具体的にどんな活動をするのか全く分からず、英語には馴染まない表現なのかもしれない。ちなみに2年前に開催された若者・女性活躍推進フォーラムの資料では、「活躍」は「Active Participation」と訳されているようだが、これも何へのparticipationなのか不明である。そして今回は、この具体性のない「活躍」がさらに抽象的な「A Society where Women Shine」という表現で置き換えられているようだ。

ところで今回のシンポジウムは、以前のエントリで触れた「IMPACT10×10×10 HeForShe」の安部ちゃんの声明でも言及されているのだが、この声明がもうある意味感心するほど薄っぺらいので、長くなるけど他国の首脳のものも含めてざっと訳してみたので見比べていただきたい(日本語訳には間違いがあるかもしれません。また他国の首脳の声明は一部省略しているものもあります)。


Creation of “a society in which all women shine” is one of the foremost elements of my administration’s policies. I am determined to contribute to the international community on this matter through hosting the World Assembly for Women in Tokyo in 2014 and 2015, and strengthening cooperation with international community.




Gender equality benefits all of us. It is a human rights issue, as well as a prerequisite for sustainable development. It is for the benefit of the whole society when the full potential of both women and men is put to use. For more than a century, gender equality has been a core value for Finland.
I call upon all men around the world to work – together with women – to build equal and sustainable societies.



We firmly believe that all people are created equal.
Equality is not just a human right, it is essential to progress and prosperity. Without it we cannot claim success in our endeavors as human beings. No society can claim to be completely developed or matured without equality for men and women. Equality should be equally important for everyone regardless of gender.



Women represent half of the drivers and beneficiaries of development. Therefore, the issue of gender is mainstreamed in my mission as President. It also contains specific commitments for women and girls, namely do “promote the role and representation of women in politic and development” and “protect women, children, and other marginalized groups” I strongly believe that this is a smart strategy to help remove the root causes of discrimination and violence against women and girls.



I believe that gender equality, ending violence against women and girls, and the empowerment of women are key to sustainable social, political and economic development for my country.



Gender equality is the only chance for the progress of humanity. Don’t close your eyes to discrimination! We all must say STOP and give women equal opportunities in life. I commit myself firstly at national level to fully act towards achieving gender equality!

ジェンダー平等は人類の進歩のための唯一のチャンスです。差別に目を閉ざさないでください! 我々は皆「STOP」と声を上げ、女性に人生の平等な機会を与えなければなりません。私はまず国レベルでジェンダー平等に向けて取り組むことを約束します!


Women and men are equal in terms of ability and dignity, and they should also be equal in terms of opportunity.
I urge all men and boys to join me as HeForShe Champions in support of our women and girls, so that together, we can continue working to achieve gender equality.

私はすべての男性と少年に対し、女性と少女を支援するHeForShe Championsとして行動をともにし、ジェンダー平等を実現するために取り組み続けるよう呼びかけます。


It is time for more men to step forward and get involved in moving efforts for gender equality forward. I therefore want to urge all men to join in and take their share of responsibility – at work, in their home life and among their friends. All of us who live in Sweden shape our country together. Together we can create a gender-equal society.
